Assessment (LG-­‐MAT) for Serena Hotel Kigali

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Brief description of the project:

This project consisted in an assessment of the way Serena Hotels Kigali is managed using a tool named LG-­‐MAT designed by Green Space Ltd. The  study assessed the status of Serena’s landscape and garden, then it defined with the client the desired status and finally designed a road map to move from the actual status to the desired status.

The LG-­‐MAT is an evidence based assessment, and it is done on 9 factors and 29 attributes considering three dimensions:- intention, – reality, -effect. At the end of the LG-­‐MAT, the client receives a full report that includes a score in a percentage as well as quick wins, middle term and strategic recommendations.

Key Staff involved and their roles:

Tunga Kalisa (Project Director/ Designer) designed the Landscape and Garden management tool, involved in Administration and Management of the project, Client / Consultants liaison and briefing.

Jack Mugo (Landscape Architect) involved in the landscape and garden assessment.

Joseph Kigotho (Agronomist/Horticulturalist) responsible for the technical evaluation of the landscape and garden.

Marcel Hagena (Pedologist) responsible for the soils and water evaluation as well as the recommendation for amendment.

Project Details


Landscape & Garden Management Assessment (LG-­‐MAT) for Serena Hotel Kigali


October 2012 to February, 2013




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